Foundation of Foundations 6299

Foundation of Foundations

Say you want to build a dream house. A beautiful, solid, and sturdy house. What’s the first thing you need? Some of you might answer money, and some of you might answer a foundation. Both answers are right!

Now let’s say you want to build a dream nonprofit. A philanthropic, efficient, and successful organization. You need the same things—money and a foundation. In the nonprofit world, foundations and money go hand-in-hand. Foundations are the source of money that allows social good to occur.

Want to learn more about foundations? In our new course Organizational Best Practices: Basics of Foundations, learn about how foundations operate, common foundation types, key players, and market trends. Let this course be the solid foundation for your foundation knowledge.
News Organizational Best Practices Blog 12/09/2019 11:38am EST

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Great to see this for Foundations!! 
Hi Vickie, which browser did you use? Explorer is not friendly but Google Chrome and Firefox should work. Thanks!
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