What's In A Campaign Logo? 3574

What's In A Campaign Logo?

At the beginning of the year, our engineering team made an improvement to the landing page template, which now allows you to easily add a campaign logo. 

But, why?

Below you'll see that adding a logo to the landing page in the past was more involved and had to be added to the banner. This meant you needed to have some design skills and access to software, or pay for services.
Fig 1. The YMCA logo is part of the banner image. Not so great on a smartphone (right hand side image).
One of the problems with this workaround was that the template scales the images to a smaller size for smaller screens like tablets and smartphones. On smartphones, especially, the logos became too small to be readable. Speaking to customers, we learned more about this problem and uncovered a problem - potential fundraisers have reduced trust in the campaign when they can’t quickly and easily identify who they're supporting.

To address this problem, we introduced the campaign logo feature to the landing page creation process in late February. Our design hypothesis was simple:

“We believe that a better way to add a campaign’s logo to a landing page for our charity customers will result in more attractive landing pages on mobile devices. We’ll know it’s true when we see improved fundraiser trust demonstrated by an increase in fundraisers signing up to campaigns with their own logo.”

Below you'll now see that adding a logo to the landing page as an option during the creation process still produces as great of a design and has increased readability on smartphones.
Fig 2. This campaign has uploaded a separate campaign logo. MUCH better on a smartphone.

Since the release of this improvement to the landing pages, we’ve been keeping a close eye on our health-check metrics. 
Addressing our hypothesis, we were hopeful to see an increase in the percentage of landing page visitors clicking ‘Start Fundraising’ when a campaign logo was present.

With a campaign logo, landing pages have been converting 34% of visitors to click the ‘Start Fundraising’ button. Without a landing page, only 19% of visitors click ‘Start Fundraising’.
This is a significant increase - over 78% more conversions when customers add a campaign logo to their landing page.

These numbers prove that our hypothesis was correct. This feature is a super-good-news story for you, and by using our landing pages, we’re helping you convert more of your constituency into fundraisers. 

More fundraisers = more sharing = more donations.

News everydayhero Blog 06/06/2017 1:48pm EDT

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