What's New (May 19) 6822

What's New (May 19)

Check out the latest features in Blackbaud Church Management

Choose recipients for class emails -- When you email class participants or their chaperones, you can now choose specific recipients. From the class record, select Email classParticipants or Email classChaperones. Then choose which participants or chaperones to email.

Note: The list displays which chaperones or participants do not have an email address on their record.

View room availability as you select rooms for classes -- Similar to the recent improvements to reserving rooms for events, when you add or edit classes, you can now view which rooms are available from the Select rooms option. Previously, you selected View all rooms to check availability and then selected Select room to book a room.

Automate recurring gifts with past skipped payments -- You can now automate recurring gifts that have skipped payments in the past. Previously, manual recurring gifts with skipped payments weren't eligible to be converted.

To enable automatic payment processing, from the top of the recurring gift record, select Convert to automated recurring gift. Select the payment configuration to process its payments, then select Convert to convert the gift.

After you convert a recurring gift, payments are automatically generated based on its payment schedule. For more information, see Automate Manual Recurring Gifts.

Note: You can't automate a recurring gift if it's scheduled to skip payments today or in the future.

Add gifts paid by PayPal and Venmo -- To help you track gifts with payments processed outside of Blackbaud Church Management, and to support upcoming changes in online donation forms, you can now add gifts paid by PayPal and Venmo.

When you add a gift from GiftsHome, or a congregant's constituent record, select PayPal or Venmo under Payment method. You can also save and view any reference number and date your church uses to track gifts. For more information, see Payment Information.

Note: PayPal and Venmo payments currently process outside of Blackbaud Church Management — use these payment methods for record-keeping purposes only. In the future, donors will be able to process PayPal and Venmo payments through donation forms built with Donation form designer. These gifts will appear in batches under Gift management for you to review and approve.

Improvements to Add gift (for some of you) -- To save time when you add a gift from GiftsHome, or a congregant's constituent record, we made changes to the way you enter a gift's details. Under Gift splits, you can now directly enter details into the fields that help your church track gifts — such as the campaign, fund, and appeal. For more information, see Gifts.

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