What's New (August 11) 7030

What's New (August 11)

Here's what's new in Blackbaud Church Management

To help you organize the volunteer schedule for your church’s ongoing volunteer opportunities, you can now select to assign volunteers to the opportunity series from the opportunity’s record.

Under Volunteers, select Assign to series and choose how to rotate sets of volunteers in the volunteer schedule. You can rotate volunteers by:

  • Groups — Volunteers rotate after a group volunteers. For example, if you have three volunteer groups, the rotation repeats after the third group volunteers.

    • To add a new group of volunteers, select Add another group.

    • To change the volunteer order, drag and drop a volunteer grouping.

    Note: You can add up to 10 volunteers per group and 10 groups per volunteer opportunity series.

  • Every week, every other week — Volunteers rotate every seven or 14 days from the start of the volunteer opportunity.

  • Once a month — Volunteers rotate every month from the start date of the volunteer opportunity.

To choose the volunteers to add to the group, weekly, or monthly rotation schedule, select Add volunteer. Specify the start and end dates for the period of time they will volunteer and select Save.

For more information, see Opportunity Records.

Small groups
To reduce clutter and help congregants find small groups that fit their interests and needs, the search page now only displays filters for groups that are seeking new participants. For example, if your church uses a group type for an internal committee that isn't seeking participants, the group type no longer appears as a filter option on the search page. Previously, all the group types and categories appeared as filter options, regardless of whether their related groups were seeking new participants.

To view the options, select CongregantsSmall groupsShare, and copy the small groups search page link. From the search page, select FilterSelect types or Select categories.


Note: From ConstituentsSettingsSmall groups, you can manage small group types and categories and view the number of groups they’re used in. To edit details about a small group, such as its category or whether it’s seeking new participants, open its record from ConstituentsSmall groups, and then select Edit group.

In Events, to better highlight whether payments are for registrations, donations, or both, a new Payment type column appears under Fees and payments on participant records. The column replaces the Applied amount and Contribution amount columns under Payments so you can clearly view how each payment pertains to the event. For more information, see Fees and Payments.


Note: To view the details that previously appeared in the Applied amount and Contribution amount columns, select the payment amount to open its gift record.

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