Simplifying Offering Plate Gifts with Batch 7088

Simplifying Offering Plate Gifts with Batch


It’s Monday morning, and there are a variety of gifts from the weekend offerings need to be entered into the system. There are some cash, credit, debit, pledges, and maybe even a few gifts-in-kind that have been donated. Entering these gifts manually on individual records in your system is a task that takes more time than you have. Thankfully, entering records as a Batch makes this process much easier and faster. With Blackbaud Church Management, the Batch feature lets you quickly add multiple constituents and gifts in a spreadsheet-like environment—and then convert the batch into individual records.
Some advantages of batch entry has over individual manual data entry are:
  • Consistent data entry
  • Efficient data entry
  • Ability to import from other programs, like Microsoft® Excel®

Want to learn more tips about how to create batches and reduce your data entry time? Check out the Blackbaud Church Management: Database View – Basics of Batch course today. Have an example of how you use Batch to save time and be more consistent? Please share in the comments, so we can all learn together.

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Just want to say that batch entry in database view is the way to go - if you haven't tried it yet, you should!
