Know Your Gift Types! 7116

Know Your Gift Types!


Your church probably receives all kinds of gifts. Keeping a detailed record of each type of gift and who gave how much for what is super important, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming! Thankfully, Blackbaud Church Management lets you keep track of gift types and even gift subtypes to help you keep track of every type of gift you could receive. Let’s take a minute to review some gift types terminology:
  • Cash: A one-time gift. For example, a $500 check placed in your offer plate.
  • Pledge: A commitment to donate in the future, in a single installment or in multiple installments. For example, a commitment to donate $100 a month until $1,000 is reached.
  • Stock/Property: Anything received in kind, and then sold by your church for the benefit of your church, such as real estate or common stock. For example, a member may donate 20 shares of his company’s stock which your church will sell in order to help fund new tables in the community area.
  • Gift-in-Kind: Donations of goods and services to your church. For example, a catering company cooking and serving food at an event, or a donation of food for the food pantry.
  • Recurring Gift: Gifts that are given at regular intervals, such monthly or weekly. For example, a tithe that is automatically deducted from a congregant’s bank account each week.
  • Other: Donations that don’t fit one of the predefined gift types or that you want to keep separate from the other gift types.  

Want to learn more about gift types and gift subtypes? Check out Blackbaud Church Management: Database View - Basics of Gifts today.
News Blackbaud Church Management™ Announcements 09/10/2020 11:35am EDT

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