What's New (September 22) 7149

What's New (September 22)

Here's what's new in Blackbaud Church Management!

Style consent opt-in and opt-out buttons on donation forms
To add a consistent look and feel to your donation forms, you can now adjust the font size and color on the consent option buttons for the Consent component. From ToolsDonation form designer, add or edit a donation form. Under Form, select StyleConsent buttons in Form designer and change the font size and color to match your church's branding style. For more information, see Donation Forms Style.

View additional payment information in participant lists
Building on recent improvements to highlight payment information in Events, new and updated columns are now available for you to include in participant lists.
  • Donations — Displays how much each participant donated toward the event.
    • Note: Donations are payments that are larger than the registration fees.
  • Revenue — Displays how much each participant paid toward the event, such as donations and registration fees.
  • Registration fees — Now shows how much participants have left to pay towards their fees. Previously, the column displayed how much participants already paid rather than their balances.
To include the columns, open an event record. Under Participants, select Work with participants, and then select Columns.

Also, you can now narrow the list based on whether participants paid their fees, such as to send reminders. From the participant list, select Filters, Fees and payments, and then choose who to include.

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