A badge is a visual token of your achievements in the community.
The Blackbaud Community has two types of badges available: activity and authority. Earn activity badges by completing specific actions such as participating in discussions, connecting with other members, and answering poll questions. Authority badges are earned when you reach specific points levels, achieve Blackbaud University certifications, and attend conferences. Explore this page to find available badges and chart your path to greatness. Happy Badging!
Activity Badges
Earn these badges as you take action in the community.

Acknowledger Level 1
Mark 1-4 discussions as answered.

Acknowledger Level 2
Mark 5-9 discussions as answered.

Acknowledger Level 3
Mark 10-14 discussions as answered.

Acknowledger Level 4
Mark 15-19 discussions as answered.

Acknowledger Level 5
Mark 20+ discussions as answered.

Amplifier Level 1
Make 1-4 social shares

Amplifier Level 2
Make 5-9 social shares

Amplifier Level 3
Make 10-14 social shares

Amplifier Level 4
Make 15-19 social shares

Amplifier Level 5
Make 20+ social shares

Author Level 1
Write 1-4 blog posts

Author Level 2
Write 5+ blog posts

Connector Level 1
Send 1-4 connection requests

Connector Level 2
Send 5-9 connection requests

Connector Level 3
Send 10-14 connection requests

Connector Level 4
Send 15-19 connection requests

Connector Level 5
Send 20+ connection requests

Energizer Level 1
Comment on 1-4 blogs

Energizer Level 2
Comment on 5-9 blogs

Energizer Level 3
Comment on 10-14 blogs

Energizer Level 4
Comment on 15-19 blogs

Energizer Level 5
Comment on 20+ blogs

Facilitator Level 1
Reply to 1-10 discussion posts

Facilitator Level 2
Reply to 11-20 discussion posts

Facilitator Level 3
Reply to 21-30 discussion posts

Facilitator Level 4
Reply to 31-50 discussion posts

Facilitator Level 5
Reply to 51+ discussion posts

Host Level 1
Create 1 event

Host Level 2
Create 2+ events

Inquirer Level 1
Start 1-10 new discussions

Inquirer Level 2
Start 11-15 new discussions

Inquirer Level 3
Start 16-25 new discussions

Inquirer Level 4
Start 26-50 new discussions

Inquirer Level 5
Start 51+ new discussions

Update your profile picture

Penpal Level 1
Write on 1-9 walls.

Penpal Level 2
Write on 10-14 walls

Penpal Level 3
Write on 15-19 walls

Penpal Level 4
Write on 20-24 walls.

Penpal Level 5
Write on 25+ walls.

Pollster Level 1
Vote on 1-4 polls.

Pollster Level 2
Vote on 5-9 polls.

Pollster Level 3
Vote on 10-14 polls.

Pollster Level 4
Vote on 15-19 polls

Pollster Level 5
Vote on 20+ polls.

Praiser Level 1
Like 1-24 posts

Praiser Level 2
Like 25-49 posts

Praiser Level 3
Like 50-74 posts

Praiser Level 4
LIke 75-99 posts

Praiser Level 5
Like 100+ posts

Scout Level 1
Invite 1-4 people to join Community (And invitee has accepted)

Scout Level 2
Invite 5-9 people to join Community (And invitees have accepted)

Scout Level 3
Invite 10-19 people to join Community (And invitees have accepted)

Scout Level 4
Invite 20-24 people to join Community (And invitees have accepted)

Scout Level 5
Invite 25+ people to join Community (And invitees have accepted)

Socialite Level 1
RSVP Yes and attend 1-4 events

Socialite Level 2
RSVP Yes and attend 5-9 events

Socialite Level 3
RSVP Yes and attend 10-14 events

Socialite Level 4
RSVP Yes and attend 15-19 events

Socialite Level 5
RSVP Yes and attend 20+ events

Spam Blocker
Successfully report a spammer or spam!
Authority Badges
Identify your area of expertise in the Community and in your product(s).

Community All-Star
Elite title given to the most active and knowledgeable members.

Community Icon
(150,001+ points) You have reached the peak. Take a deep breathe, relax, and revel in the work you've done to make the Blackbaud Community a helpful place for all of its members. Beyonce is totally fine with sharing the title of "Icon" with someone as terrific as you!

Community Hero
(100,001-150,000 points) You've earned enough points in Community to reach hero status! No radioactive spiders for you, you achieved this goal by being present, helpful, and an invaluable member of the Community.

Community Legend
(50,001-100,000 points) You are now the stuff of legends. King Arthur would bow to you in recognition of all of your hard work in this Community. Thank you for being a legend.

Community Leader
(20,001-50,000 points)What is cooler than riding a unicorn down a mountain into a bathtub of pizza? YOU! Look at you – already scaling the leaderboard, inspiring fellow community members, and so much more. Welcome to the elite, you certainly deserve it!

Community Visionary
(6,501-20,000 points) It takes a Community warrior with a heart full of perseverance, a strong will, and a desire to succeed to reach Visionary. It's the Community equivalent of climbing to the top of a mountain, riding a unicorn down the other side and straight into a bathtub full of pizza. Yes, it is THAT epic.

Community Expert
(2,001-6,500 points) We've done the math and you've taken a LOT of actions to get to 2,001 points. You've earned this expert badge! We see bbcon sessions in your future.

Community Strategist
(501-2,000 points) You are plowing through questions, chatting up a storm, and dare we say becoming a very popular Community member.

Community Novice
(200-500 points) You are learning the ropes. Keep climbing!

Community Rookie
Welcome to the Community! You’re not the only one who is just getting started, but don’t be a wallflower. Get out there and start learning, connecting, and engaging with your fellow members to move up to the next level.

Blackbaud Staff Member
I am here to learn!

Blackbaud Champion
The best of the best!

Blackbaud Certified
Community Member has earned a Blackbaud Certification(s).

Blackbaud Pro Certified
Community Member has earned a Blackbaud Pro Certification(s).

Blackbaud Partner
When we work together, everyone wins!