Gradebook, Assignment Details, and More Updates - Back to School Resources Part 2 7836

Gradebook, Assignment Details, and More Updates - Back to School Resources Part 2


Continuing with our Back to School series, today we're taking a look at major updates to specific features within the Education management products like Gradebook, Assignment details, and more.

It’s August and we know teachers are starting to trickle back into their classrooms to get ready for the new school year! This summer, we released some major changes around Gradebook and the Assignment details page, and many teachers may likely be surprised when they log in for the first time.

To help get everyone up to speed, we’ve made several resources specifically for teachers to help them navigate these changes. Here's a small taste.

The Gradebook is a central part of any teacher’s classroom. It’s where they can keep track of day-to-day assignment grades for students. Teachers will need to use Launch gradebook to access their gradebook which means they will no longer see Gradebook as one of their tabs in their online classroom. Once in the Gradebook, teachers will see we have updated the look of it along with adding in a lot of incredible features. Features include but are not limited to:
  • New display options including sorting students
  • New status indicators and the ability to select the ones they would like to use
  • Add bulk grades, comments, and status indicators
Assignment Details
Our previous version of the assignment details page was very basic and had limited abilities for grading assignments. The new assignment details page creates a robust grading experience for teachers. The assignment details page can be accessed by selecting the title of the assignment from the Assignment Center or Assignments tab in their course. Teachers will see additional information about the assignment in the header and can see pertinent information about their students. From the assignment details page, teachers can:
  • Evaluate assignments, mastery assignments, and assignments with rubrics
  • Evaluate graded discussions
  • Launch the LTI attached to the assignment
  • Add grades, comments, and status indicators in bulk
Back to School Guide
We wanted to make sure teachers were aware of all the updates for Gradebook and Assignment details so we created a back-to-school guide to outline these changes and provide direct links to the documentation. Teachers can get an overview of new features for both like Grade commit and the Collected status indicator as well as new features specific to each one. Teachers can also see what’s coming soon for Gradebook and Assignment details. We are continuing to work on additional features for both! At the end of the guide is a section to remind teachers of all the different things they can do in the system with links to the applicable help.

These resources will help teachers navigate the changes to their online classroom and will set them up for a successful school year!

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