The Annual Procedures Checklist 9048

The Annual Procedures Checklist


Today we’re talking about Annual Procedures and everything you need to know before the current academic year comes to a close.

How much would a wood chuck check if a wood chuck could check lists? Hopefully, they’d check everything!

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, we have a few list related topics we want to share with you.

First, explore the new lists specifically designed for Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). To get started, check out this tutorial, which should help you use the new lists to find, export, and organize data for IPEDS.

Second, view the online help about annual procedures and your school’s “Policies and procedures” guide. Together, these to-do lists should help guide you through how to close out the current academic year and how to prepare for the new one. For example, you’ll probably need to:
  • update school years and sessions,
  • run classification calculations for students,
  • enroll and reclassify incoming students as current students,
  • rollover data,
  • review tokens (secrets and keys) for integrations and APIs,
  • review certificates and keys for your single sign on (SSO).
Soon, platform managers will also be able to access online help about annual procedures from the Tasks section of their Home page in Core. This link will be visible all year round. If you have suggestions or requests that you’ll like us to include in this help topic, please use the community to send a direct message to Bryna Gleich.

Finally, review privacy principles and related documentation along with the What’s New post from May 16, which describes recent enhancements to help you comply with privacy laws.

As always, you can also discuss best practices for these topics with your peers in this user community.

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