Congratulations to the FY20 Prime Officer and Peak Performance Institutions
Each year when we review year end results across the Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management community, we recognize those institutions which demonstrate high performance in two areas: Gift Officer performance and Annual Giving programs. Find out which institutions made the list this year!
Each year when we review year end results across the Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management community, we recognize institutions which demonstrate high performance in two areas: Gift Officer performance and Annual Giving Programs.Prime Officer Award
The Prime Officer award celebrates gift officers who generate more of the key activities that drive major gifts using Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management. This year’s award recipients ranked in the top quartile for prospect visits and top two quartiles for proposal greater than $25k submitted.We are pleased to share that the following institutions had officers qualify as a Blackbaud Prime Officer for FY2020:
Appalachian State University
Auburn University Foundation
Augustine Institute
Bowling Green State University
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
California State University, Sacramento
California State University, Stanislaus
Concordia College
Creighton University
DePaul University
Dordt University
Drexel University
Duquesne University
East Carolina University
Eastern Washington University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Florida International University Board of Trustees
Gustavus Adolphus College
Harding University
Hillsdale University
Kansas State University Foundation
Kettering University
Lipscomb University
Miami University
Montana State University Alumni Foundation
NC State
NDSU Foundation
Oakland Foundation
Occidental College
Ohio University
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Phillips Exeter Academy
Purdue University
Rowan University
Saint John’s University
Saint Joseph’s University
Saint Mary’s College (IN)
Shippensburg University Foundation
Southern Illinois University
Syracuse University
Taylor University
Temple University
Trinity College
Tulane University
UMass Dartmouth
University at Buffalo
University of Delaware
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc.
University of San Diego
Utah State University
Washington University in St. Louis
Wayne State University
William & Mary
Peak Performance Award
Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management subscribers prove, year after year, how possible it is to increase both dollars and donors with a well-run annual giving program. To honor these high performing institutions for their achievements in 2020, Blackbaud is pleased to announce the Peak Performance Award to 15 colleges and universities.Augustine Institute******
Berea College
California State University, Sacramento
Goshen College
Hampden-Sydney College
Knox College
La Sierra University
Montana State University Alumni Foundation***
Montreat College
Occidental College**
Ohio University
Pacific Lutheran University
Southwest Baptist University
St. Cloud State University Foundation
Taylor University
*Denotes number of consecutive years the institution increased dollars and donors.
Congratulations to these organizations that achieve a strong level of performance within their teams and programs!
News Blackbaud Fundraiser Performance Management™ Blog
11/05/2020 5:51pm EST
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