REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: November webinar - Are You Stewarding Responsively? 8713

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: November webinar - Are You Stewarding Responsively?


Please join us on November 17th at 1 p.m. ET for a live, online event with PEAK Grantmaking's President & CEO, Satonya Fair!

Just as practitioners seek to dismantle structural racism, grants management professionals have a role to break down barriers we erected to "protect" foundation resources. PEAK Grantmaking advances five Principles that guide their work with the philanthropic sector. One of their principles, Steward Responsively, urges funders to reframe how they see and respond to risk- acknowledging the power dynamic and where funders can be empowered to manage-rather than mitigate or eliminate- risk.

To do so, funders must anticipate and adapt to change of all kinds, sharing grantmaking information openly, using technology and data effectively, and serving as facilitators of the grantmaking process rather than guards of the assets.

News Blackbaud Grantmaking™ Blog 11/07/2022 3:31pm EST

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