What's New in Blackbaud Grantmaking™ - April 11, 2024 9515

What's New in Blackbaud Grantmaking™ - April 11, 2024

Read on to learn about the latest additions in the Blackbaud Grantmaking Workspace.

Users now have the ability to batch delete Request records and Contact records from Workspace.

Additionally, a column was added in the Contacts view called Last Request Create Date that will allow users to see the most recent request create date from Request related records' Audit column.
News Blackbaud Grantmaking™ Blog 04/11/2024 11:32am EDT

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Great news that this functionality exists now. Is there further guidance on how it works?

For example, how does the delete process handle related records? Does it delete some of those or none of those? When a request is deleted, what value is left in the related records' ‘Request_ID’ field? Is that blank, 0 or something else? Are there any exceptions that may prevent a batch deletion from working and can we access that info?

Brilliant that we can now delete older request records but I think some further guidance would be useful before customers start deleting their records without knowing the full consequences.

Great questions David.
Below is the information from Help that was added for the Batch Request Delete. I included the link to the Edit Multiple Records area also below. The related record would no longer exist so no value would show.

Help information: Delete removes the Request record along with all associated records for the request unless the request has a payment that is paid or associated with a budget. Additionally, any payment on the request with only one of those conditions would stop the full deletion of the request and associated records.


Batch deleting Request records, now that's what I'm talking about!
