Mastering Programs: Best Practices for Applicant and Grantee Success
Here are a few FAQs from our recent office hours on best practices for applicant and grantee success.
Thank you to those who attended and/or have viewed the recording for our December Applicant and Grantee Portal Office Hours, Mastering Programs: Best Practices for Applicant and Grantee Success.
We were pleasantly surprised at both the number of attendees and questions that were asked. So many in fact, that we weren’t able to answer them all live, but we reviewed what was unanswered and, in an effort, to get responses back to everyone (we unfortunately couldn’t email everyone individually), we made sure they were appropriately captured in our normal channels such as help guides, knowledgebase, and on-demand resources.
If you posed a question and we were unable to answer live, please visit our Blackbaud Grantmaking Help Center and use the resources available to research your questions.
If you find you are still unable to find what you are looking for, please contact Support and they will assist you and make sure the resolution is documented for future reference.
Finally, December was just the start! We have three more sessions to start the year, so secure your seats today by registering for one or all of the events that apply to you and your organization. And be sure to pick the session that works best for your location and time zone, as sessions will be held to accommodate North America/Europe and Pacific regions!
- [January] Managing the Migration Process: How to Import Forms – Understand the process of importing current forms into the new portal. Learn about the difference between different form types and their implications.
- [February] The Power of Conditional Logic: Your Secret Weapon for Productivity – Walk through how to use conditional logic to hide or display fields, the limitations of conditional logic, and see some examples of how using this feature can improve the data collection process and applicant experience
- [March] Form Building 101: Tips and Tricks – Take advantage of tips and tricks from the experts and learn how to use various layout options to cut down the amount of time it takes to create a new form.
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