JUNE/JULY 2024 AddressAccelerator and PostalSaver updates 9602

JUNE/JULY 2024 AddressAccelerator and PostalSaver updates

The JUNE/JULY 2024 AddressAccelerator and PostalSaver updates were released on 05/28/2024. If we host your database, you do not need to install this update. We will notify you prior to installing it on our server. To download the AddressAccelerator updates please visit the downloads page on Blackbaud.com.

The Canadian PostalSaver file is currently NOT on the Downloads page. We are working to get this file uploaded. If you need a copy of the file, please contact Support to request the file be sent to you.
News ResearchPointâ„¢ Blog 05/28/2024 9:33am EDT

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@doodle baseball What new changes does the update have compared to the previous version?
