The Buzz: March 2025 Edition! 10003

The Buzz: March 2025 Edition!


Deadlines this week for the bbcon and bbdevdays call for speakers and the Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge NXT® PowerUp Query challenge, two new badge opportunities, a new Ask an All-Star discussion, recent product news, featured content, and more in the March edition of The Buzz!

Happy March, Community!

We have a lot of exciting updates to get to – let's get started.

Raiser’s Edge NXT® PowerUp Challenge:

If you are a Raiser’s Edge NXT user, have you completed the first Raiser’s Edge NXT PowerUp Challenge yet? Each month, a new PowerUp Challenge activity in will help customers explore new popular features in web view, and the first activity focused on web view Query ends this Wednesday, March 12. If you complete each monthly challenge, you’ll be eligible to win a $500 cash donation for your organization or an all-access pass to bbcon 2026. Learn more and get started here.

bbcon Call for Speakers Deadline is March 14:

This Thursday, March 14th, is the deadline to submit your speaker proposal. Whether you are an experienced speaker or new to the stage, submitting a proposal to present at bbcon is a chance to showcase your expertise, expand your professional network, and attend the conference for free. You can check out this discussion or this blog post about submitting a great proposal if you need some last-minute inspiration or tips.

bbdevdays Call for Speakers Deadline is March 15

Are you passionate about automations, customizations, and extending your Blackbaud solutions? Apply to speak at this year’s virtual Blackbaud’s Developer’s Conference (bbdevdays) by March 15th! We’re looking for engaging content and sessions that can range from 5 to 60 minutes. Learn more about the call for speakers and how to apply here.

New Badge Alert:

We’re excited to announce a new activity badge in the community. When you make your first reply on any post, you’ll now receive this badge!


For those who have already had their first response on any discussion, we got you! We are retroactively awarding this badge and you will see it on your profile.

March Badge Challenge:

March’s challenge is all around giving thanks! Has a fellow Blackbaud Community member answered a question you had, shared knowledge that helped you out, or otherwise set you on a path to success? Give them a public shout-out and earn March’s unique badge!


Ask an All-Star - Blackbaud University:

Have a question about taking courses through Blackbaud University? We have an All-Star expert standing by ready to answer! Community All-Star Elizabeth Johnson, who took 42 Blackbaud University courses last year, will be holding an Ask an All-Star session in the Organizational Best Practices community on March 18-20th to answer your questions about taking courses, navigating the platform, and the importance of certifications and setting expectations for your organization to stay informed.

Community Tip of the Month:

While you are in the community and you need quick navigation to product resources, here’s how you can get it without leaving the site! You can find helpful resources at the top of your page under “Blackbaud Help”. You can find links to Blackbaud’s knowledgebase, support, Blackbaud University, and How-to documentation.


Featured Content:

New Skills UP Webinars: Free Leadership Training from Sector Experts!

On-Demand Webinar: Mastering Blackbaud Customer Support’s Self-service Capabilities

Product Highlights & Resources ICYMI:

What’s New in Education Management Solutions for Higher Education

What’s New in Education Management Solutions for K-12 Schools

New Blackbaud Certified Connectors for Microsoft Power Platform (General Ledger, Payable, and Query in Financial Edge NXT and Query in Raiser’s Edge NXT)

Changes to the Gift API (SKY Developer)

Introducing the Standard Reports API for Raiser’s Edge NXT (SKY Developer)

New SKY API Free Developer Tier API Subscription is Now Available (SKY Developer)

What's New in Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT®

We Made a Few Changes to Merging Duplicate Records in Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT® and You Noticed!

February Events:

Community Kudos:

Community kudos shout-outs to All-Star Alex Wong for being the member with the most replies again in February (with 160 replies), and to All-Star Carlene Johnson for sending 209 connection requests! Thanks for making the Community such a helpful, welcoming place, Alex and Carlene!

We also want to thank the 50 community members who participated in February’s monthly challenge by submitting their suggestions for sessions they’d like to see at bbcon 2025!


We want to wish all of the Pisces and Aeries a very happy birthday! If you are celebrating a birthday in March, please let us know in the comments below!

News Community News 03/10/2025 10:56am EDT

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Way to go @Alex Wong and @Carlene Johnson for making this community so great by answering so many questions and making all those connections! That goes for you too @Crystal Bruce none of this is possible without you!

I'm trying to look at What's New in Education Management Solutions for K-12 Schools. I get a message that says, Forbidden - You don't have permission to access this resource.

I am logged in. Any suggestions?

@Sara Wood the url posted all wonky. Should be good now!

Pisces here :)

Me too!
