Posting Jobs in the Blackbaud Community 4639

Posting Jobs in the Blackbaud Community

Hi Community!

Did you know you can post a job opening or post that you are looking for a job opportunity in Community? This is a great feature of our Community, as we are all connected by a shared knowledge of Blackbaud products/solutions.

Posting a job opening or posting that you are looking for a new job is FREE for Community members.

At the top of your Community page, you'll see the "jobs" header. Just click on it to enter our jobs board. You can post a job or you can search the area for jobs. It's good for job recruiters and seekers!


I recommend putting the job title & location in the headline and 3-4 sentences describing the organization, job, job location, job requirements, and how to apply.

If you are looking for a job, you can attach a resume or link out to a Linkedin profile. Just remember, all postings in the Community are public, so be aware of what information you are putting out in Community.

You can also change your subscription notifications HERE to be notified of any job posting that comes across the board.
News Community News 04/27/2018 2:18pm EDT

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Hello am KIIRYA GODFREY founder of #SaveCommunityCareFoundation see Kaliro-Uganda in East Africa, we are looking for Grant Writer Volunteers, Fundraising Volunteers, Foreign Representatives, Foreign Resource Mobilizer, Board Members, Executive Director and Volunteers
JOIN US  and

I found my current position through the Blackbaud Community Jobs board. I didn't actually think the position was for me from the description, but I friended the person who posted it, because I thought maybe a future posting from that organization may pan out. Then I also connected with him on LinkedIn so I could monitor things there as well. Within minutes, he sent me messages through LinkedIn asking if I knew of anyone that would be a good candidate for the position. Talking to him over the following 2 days through LinkedIn, I found it turned out the job was a fantastic opportunity for me, and the rest is history.
I think I posted our recent Grants Writer position on here...great tool. Thanks!
Good to know
I look forward to the next Crystal Clear blog post
This is great. Thank you!
Good info, thanks!
More Manatees!
What a great idea. And I love Moo Shoo the mascot!
Love the name of your Blog! And I love Moo Shoo. I agree with Josh, though, Moo Shoo needs a t-shirt, maybe a Champions shirt!
I'm just here to say I love that our Community always has feedback - I hear good things from this post!! :) 
We have discussed creating a job seeker board! That’s on our radar for sure!
Thanks for sharing the manatee love Crystal and all!! (:3) Moo Shoo is a favorite for sure - we have a very special announcement coming about her soon (sshhhhh...) And funny enough, your post is very timely Crystal! I'm prepping to post an opening and will definitely be using some of these pointers. Cheers all! tonya

ETA: Is there or is there any thoughts of adding a place on the board for people to post resumes? I can see how that might make things complicated as presumably current community members are actively employed.. But, as an employer, it would be a convenient feature.
Love the name of your blog Crystal!
Danny Levy Danny Levy Apr '18
Love Moo Shoo....................
also, a bit off topic, but related... you can totally adopt a Manatee through the Save the Manatee Club for as little as $35! Moo Shoo is getting some moo lah from me!
Moo Shoo is the best!
This is great, thank you! Please post more of Moo-Shoo. For any occasion. I agree that location and title in the header are helpful.
I agree about location, organization name, and how to apply ! Both myself and colleagues have found jobs through the jobs board, and I think it's such a great resource !
You can also use the search bar to search for things you'd filter: like job title, state, city, organization, etc.
