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How much do you want to see from us? It's totally up to you!
You can get notifications instantly, daily, weekly, or never.
Here's how you can set your Community subscriptions:
From the Navigation Menu > My Community > Edit Subscriptions

Subscriptions Tab > Pick Your Products/Solutions and the frequency you'd like notifications > Save.

News Community News
06/21/2018 10:00am EDT
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Q4 2019 Faith Solutions Roadmap for Church Customers I’m logging in with: katyinsights.manchesterumc@katycomputer.com and am using Google Chrome. This is the error msg: Your registration cookie is not present. Please enable cookies(if disabled) and re-register. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Cindy Reznikov
T 314-316-9000
Thanks Crystal!
I love hearing from Community!