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News Community News
01/17/2019 9:00am EST
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Hello All, Is anyone having troulble with recurring gifts not pull the current annual campaign onto the gift recorded? Instead it pulls the start up annual campaign when EFT are run in NXT. If so is there away to do a global change in the batch?
Hi Adrian! You've replied to a blog. Did you mean to post in the forums?
Hello All!
I am currently the Membership Manager for Kalamazoo Nature Center. We are working toward transitioning to a new way of signing in members via reusable cards (hard plastic), no cards, digital cards or any other workable option. I have been reading through some of the posts from you all and doing other research and i am curious if anyone knows which plastic card company/vendor seems to work best with Raiser's Edge (if any?)? I figured if we are going to purchase cards to be scanned upon entry, maybe we should look into getting the cards that work best with this system. We havent transitioned over yet, but i thought this may be a good way to get a head start.
I really just wanted to get everyone's thoughts and opinions on what you all are doing and if there is a really good card company you like or if you think it may be best to scrap the cards all together and only do digital? We have considered keeping a physical card due to many of our members and donors sometimes get confused by or may not be the most tech savvy so we dont want it to be a negative experience. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. thanks.
I am down the road at the Air Zoo. We just converted from Tessitura to Altru and are continuing to use our current plastic card process while we search for a 3rd party digital/mobile card platform. Let me know if you'd like to meet to discuss or see what we currently use!
Hi! I think you meant to post this in the discussion area. Do you mind posting in the correct product/solution? I can't move this. Thanks!