MLK Day: Honoring Dr. King's Legacy 9351

MLK Day: Honoring Dr. King's Legacy

Hi Blackbaud Community!

On January 15, the US observed Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring Dr. King's pivotal contributions to the American civil rights movement. Dr. King advocated for the social and racial equality of African Americans, the economically oppressed, and victims of injustice—all by means of nonviolent protests and through powerful speeches and writings that challenged the status quo on inequality.

As a way of honoring Dr. King’s dream of unity, hope, and equality, we invited all employees to watch, read, listen, and reflect on his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Employees heard from special guest speakers, participated in local MLK Day celebrations, and also supported students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by reviewing and providing feedback on their LinkedIn profiles to provide mentorship and career guidance. Many employees also participated in local events and activities in their communities.

Pictured: Blackbaud employees in Charleston, SC participated in the MLK Parade in Downtown, Charleston.
News Community News 01/16/2024 9:57am EST

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