Webinar | First Impressions: Harnessing the Power of Spontaneous Givers
With GivingTuesday fast approaching, learn how to not only secure those first spontaneous gifts but also retain these givers for the long run.
Did you know that the most common trigger for a spontaneous gift is through friends or family? Join us on December 2nd for a webinar leveraging new findings like this from the Blackbaud Institute report First Impressions: Spontaneous Giving Insights. Hear from the experts on the value of investing in these modest spontaneous gifts now and how incremental changes can increase access to philanthropy for vital but under-represented donor groups. This conversation will leave you with data-informed strategies to make the most of the rush of spontaneous givers coming this GivingTuesday through year-end.
We want to know: how do spontaneous givers fit into your year-end fundraising campaigns? Has your organization had success in retaining spontaneous givers after a giving day or other major catalyst? Submit your questions or insights in the comments below to add to the webinar discussion!
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Speakers: Pam Loeb, Edge Research, and Mark Rovner, Sea Change Strategies
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We are starting a monthly giving program. A local pizza place is providing pizza gift cards based on your giving level. We have had several takers already! Who can say no to pizza!!!
We have an “anniversary” card program where we send a note and an ask in the month of their last gift. So while it is not as immediate as a welcome series (Alumni already know a bit about us?), it is a way to remind them of their support in hopes of renewing it.
A personalized welcome series is a great first step to introduce these donors to your organization.
Is this one where you will share the recording if you can't make it or will I be taking the seat of someone that could attend live if I signed up?
Please feel free to sign up even if you can't make it live! We have an unlimited number of seat and will share the recording with you. It's a busy time of year!
I'll ask!