Our Favorite Way To Customize Your Donation CTAs  7856

Our Favorite Way To Customize Your Donation CTAs 


One of the most popular requests on the Idea Bank is the ability to customize the default donation amounts presented to a donor during the checkout process. While we evaluate that for a future enhancement, did you know there is a way you can set a default donation amount?

When donors make a gift through your campaign or charity profile page, they can select from four amounts or type in the specific total they want to give.


Why the set amounts you may be asking? In the past, we used to require all donors to create a username and password in order to give. This allowed us to track their behaviors and use that data to optimize their outcomes. For example, if the default levels were $10, $25, $50, $100 and a donor’s history reflected they gave $75 on average, the product would serve up more appropriate donation levels, like $50, $75, $100, $125.

Since, we shifted to a model that allows donors to give without the login in requirement as an effort to reduce the checkout friction. As such, the donation levels are standardized.

You may still want to tailor the suggested gift amount based on your call to action:

  • Give $10 to feed a dog for a week

  • Give $40 to deliver a meal for the elderly today

  • Donate $100 to receive a free t-shirt

  • We are almost at our goal- We just need 20 people to give $20. Give $20 now!

Looking to customize the donation amounts for your campaign page?

Admins can customize a campaign’s Donate Link, which drops the donor deeper into the donation flow with a pre-set donation amount. This removes a couple of steps from the typical donation flow on JustGiving when someone visits one of your Campaign Pages, so it’s likely to increase conversion rates and potentially increase the average donation to your cause.

Under the Campaign's tab, locate your campaign. Click on Actions>Donate Link. Configure the link's properties accordingly. A deep link will be generated and you can copy and paste it. These links are not stored and therefore, cannot be modified after. If needed, just create a new link.


You’ll be able to track the success of your link too, by adding a reference to it. This will appear in your Reports alongside any donations made through that link. You can create an unlimited number of these links; we recommend a fresh link for each CTA.


Use Cases:

  • Link from your emails and social media with a matching call to action.

  • Direct a Donate button on your website to the campaign’s deep link destination. Don’t have a button? Use one of ours!

  • Test your buttons! Compare whether you can increase the number of donations received depending on a link’s placement or the color of the donation button you use. You could also test pre-setting different donation amounts to see which works best for your supporters.

Overall, we encourage using a campaign deep link when you’re able to give someone a bit of context before heading straight into the donation flow. They’ll skip seeing your Campaign Page on JustGiving, so whether you’re linking from your own landing page, an email or a post on Facebook, it’s important the ask is clear before someone hits Donate.

Ready to see it in action? Donate $21 for our GivingTuesday 2021 campaign! (Psssst: this is a demo campaign and you can use our test credit card if you want to make a fake donation: 4111 1111 1111 1111).

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Is it the practice to create several of these to have more than 3 donation categories on your website?

You absolutely can! Or to have the button in your email- I just recommend to have an impact statement or tie to the campaign in some way.
