Replying To A Text No Longer Completes The Play! 7933

Replying To A Text No Longer Completes The Play!


I have some exciting news to share. When a prospect replies to a text message, that no longer automatically completes the solicitation play for them. You now have control over whether that prospect should continue to receive additional solicitations (i.e. if they respond with "Sorry I missed you, looking forward to the next call!) or if they should in fact be complete (i.e. if they pledge or decline to donate).

Important: Please take the following actions to ensure prospects who should not receive further solicitations are marked complete based on the texting results logged by the agent:

  1. Login to the staff portal and navigate to Campaigns > Open > Settings > SMS Result Options. At the bottom of this page, add the result options agents should select from when they receive a texting reply. At a minimum, these will likely include:
    • Continue Calling (select “Don't Complete Prospect or Phone Number” in pop-up window)
    • Wrong Number (select “Complete Phone Number” in pop-up window)
    • Won't Donate (select “Complete Prospect” in pop-up window)
    • Do Not Text (select “Complete Prospect” in pop-up window)
  2. Repeat step 1 for each campaign that includes a texting play step.
  3. Ensure all agents are aware that they will need to log results of every texting conversation to ensure that prospects are considered complete when applicable.

Note: similar to the calling portal, when an agent logs a pledge via the texting portal, the result will automatically record as "Pledged" and the prospect will be marked complete.

I am very excited about this new functionality as it has come by popular request and it will allow for a much more personalized experience for donors. Please keep an eye out for marketing messages over the next several weeks as we will also be adding the ability to schedule a call back from a text, announcing the full release of the Blackbaud Merchant Services payments integration, and more!

Please let us know if you have any questions about the above information, or if there's anything else we can do to support your efforts.

News Blackbaud Guided Fundraising™ Blog 09/15/2021 12:10pm EDT

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