Preparing for Target Analytics Consulting Sessions 520

Preparing for Target Analytics Consulting Sessions


Whether you are in the midst of a Target Analytics modeling project or looking to do a one, I think it is always a good idea prepare for the time you are going to spend with your consultant, as well as thinking about your expectations.  

We offer both online and onsite consulting options, so I have some recommendations to help you and your colleagues make the most of your time together and below are some thoughts to consider:
  • Your Target Analytics project coordinator will send out a “Results Questionnaire” Word document that is always advisable to fill out a week or two in advance of your consulting session, even if you can only fill out parts of it with short answers. This helps us see where your various fundraising programs are at and what your main objectives and goals are for the project. This also helps your consultant customize the discussion and prepare specific ideas for implementation related to your organization’s needs, in particular the most pressing ones (i.e., planning for a capital campaign, initiating or growing a planned gift program, or develop upgrade strategies for an upcoming annual fund mailing.)
  • Make sure that you have all the proper technology and meeting room in place for the consultation.I have had clients forget to reserve a conference room until the last minute, so make sure that is the first thing you do. If your session is online, make sure you have tested the WebEx functionality that is advised in the invitation sent by your consultant, as well as having a speaker phone that has good volume and clarity. If your consultation is in person, ensure you have the digital projector in working order as well as wired or wireless connection available for the consultant.
  • If you are new to ResearchPoint, or have team members you are looking to onboard to the software, recommend that they attend our two complimentary ResearchPoint Learn training sessions entitled “Introductory Essentials” and “Introduction to WealthPoint” at the following link: This way the consultant can focus on more customized ResearchPoint questions as it relates to your overall Target Analytics project, such as queries, dashboards, etc., created in preparation for your consulting session.
  • Ensure that the right people are in the online or onsite consultation, so think about whether or not development leadership should be at the meeting, as well as prospect research and management, advancement services, annual fund, planned giving, or any of the gift officers. If there is an expectation that certain people on the development team interpret the data results, you may want to at least include them in the results presentation of your project. Then your consultant can spend time discussing specific implementation next steps with leaders in each area of major gifts, annual fund, planned giving, database, and prospect research/management. I have found that it is often a case-by-case situation, so feel free to discuss this with your consultant.
  • Spend a few minutes thinking about what are the most pressing takeaways you and your team will need by the end of your consulting time, how you want the time to flow (preferred pace and timing for each section), and how much time is needed for ResearchPoint implementation.
  • I also suggest being the head cheerleader for team collaboration, as this is highly encouraged by those of us on the consulting side of the table. Creating an atmosphere and expectation of participation and openness will foster discussion and most likely lead to some great ideas for utilization of your Target Analytics project. You may also remember something important that you forgot on the questionnaire that your Target Analytics project could help address and possibly devise a strategy around.
These are just some of my ideas.  I encourage you to share what you think was helpful when you did consulting with your Target Analytics project (or similar type of service) or what you feel would be helpful.  There goes that collaboration I was hoping for!

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