New Year's Resolutions for ResearchPoint 623

New Year's Resolutions for ResearchPoint

Where has the time gone?  It is so hard to believe another year has flown by and it is only a couple more weeks to the beginning of 2016. 

One of the many rituals with the coming of a new year is to set resolutions for the upcoming year.  Obviously in many cases, they tend to be personal such as “I am going to get to the gym more often” or “ I going to stay in better contact with family and friends”. 

So let’s think of some resolutions for ResearchPoint and/or prospect research!  

I think with this lively group we can come up with some great ideas. 

I know the team here at Target Analytics is always striving to make the tools we provide to our customers better than they were the year before.  That happens with creative thinking and the invaluable input from the users. 

I remember seeing a post recently asking everyone what changes they would like to see for ResearchPoint.  Don’t be afraid to submit your ideas and the more we hear from you the more we know that these are items that can make your lives easier.  One easy resolution may be simply accessing ResearchPoint on a regular basis.  The more you make it a part of your daily lives the easier it gets and with that I think the creativity juices begin to flow. 

I know one of my resolutions will be to continue to think outside of the box when it comes to building queries for using ResearchPoint for all areas of fundraising.  I know for me this happens when I set aside time in Outlook to “play” in ResearchPoint.  Thinking of fields I could query on and how I can combine that with other wealth fields or predictive modeling results. 

For instance, query on confidence settings (match codes) for each of the resources – It is hard to confirm level 1 matches so focus on querying on higher confidence settings for D&B and Insiders.  I also thought about not just querying on confirmed NOZA data but confirmed NOZA and gift type = event sponsorship.  This can be a whole group of donors who may be willing to help underwrite some of your events – large or small.

Finally, have fun in 2016.  Instead of thinking I have to go work in ResearchPoint let’s focus on thinking I get to go play in ResearchPoint.  Nobody says work can’t be fun.  Thank you to all of you who have posted and supplied me with great ideas. 

So…..what are some of your resolutions around ResearchPoint or prospect research? Leave a comment below!

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I would love to become a Research Point Import Ninja! That is to say, I resolve to become much more comfortable with importing into RP so that I can play with different segments of our donor db more productively with less stress. As there are still quite a few steps to take and ways to go with importing, practicing seems wise. Finding time to do so can be hard though, so I need to schdule it to make it happen. On a side note, my organization has committed to making the leap to CRM and we are going with Blackbaud's CRM. I understand that RP and CRM are married together! This will be fun! Please provide any advance details on how that works so that my team and I can enjoy thoughts of this integration in advance of the day we go live with CRM!
I plan to continue to build my professional relationships with the front line fundraisers and all of our ResearchPoint users. Each brief phone conversation always brings such new and valuable insight to my research. This then lead to using RP and meeting the needs of the fundraisers most effectively and efficiently.
I am just hoping to have the time to get to ResearchPoint and research more constituents from our database. I would love to be able to find information on those "diamonds in the rough" and hopefully get our Major Gift Program and committee up and running. So many dreams for 2016...
