Now Available! Preview Text For Campaign Emails
How many emails do you get every day? And how many do you bother to open? These days, we all get bombarded with news, ads, spam, and the occasional message from a friend or family member. Great preview text can make your message stand out in a crowded inbox.
Preview text is only available in the Luminate Online new Email Campaigns experience.
Entice your audience to open their email with preview text. **Disclaimer: Even the best preview text may not be as alluring as a puppy.
Preview text is the line of text you see near the email subject when scanning your inbox. Different email clients (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.) display preview text a little differently. See the examples below of the same email delivered to a Gmail inbox and an Outlook inbox.
In some cases, if you do not define preview text, the beginning text in your message content may be displayed in its place.
You can use preview text to encourage a call to action, elaborate on the email's subject line, pose a question, and more. Adding the right preview text gets the recipient’s attention and lets them know this message is worth opening.
How do I add preview text?
When creating or editing an email in the new Email Campaigns experience, enter the desired message in the Preview text field on the Email details tab.
Learn more in the Luminate Online Help Documentation.
News Blackbaud Luminate Online® Blog
01/26/2023 11:02am EST
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It would be great to have this as an additional field in Email Classic! Please.