Transition to Multifactor Authentication via SMS for Administrators in Blackbaud Luminate Online® 9342

Transition to Multifactor Authentication via SMS for Administrators in Blackbaud Luminate Online®


Following the upcoming 24.0.1 release, multifactor authentication (MFA) login via SMS (text) will be enforced for administrators who are logging into Blackbaud Luminate Online.

This change only impacts the administrative login role. The login process for other roles such as Event Manager Center, Participant Center, etc. is not impacted by this release.

Organizational administrators for your site were emailed detailed information to help you make this change.

Why changes are needed: To enhance login requirements throughout our environment and to better safeguard your organization and data, MFA will be enforced. We are proactively making the change to enforce MFA to align with industry-standard security measures.

Who will be affected: Any administrator who logs into Luminate Online will need to make this change.

What actions you need to take: After supplying a username and password, a field prompts for a mobile phone number to receive an SMS (text) verification code. After the code is received and entered on the screen, access to Luminate Online is granted. The phone number is stored in the administrator's profile record.


The frequency of authentication remains the same as the previous emailed code. So, if you select the "this connection is private" option, SMS authentication is not required again for 30 days.

In Multicenter environments, center admins are allowed to use the same phone number for different centers. Luminate Online configures SMS authentication for each administrator on each site.

Additional Resources:
News Blackbaud Luminate Online® Blog 01/17/2024 10:27am EST

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