Registering new users in DonorCentral NXT: A guide for administrators 6472

Registering new users in DonorCentral NXT: A guide for administrators

DonorCentral NXT works in tandem with Blackbaud FIMS foundation management software, providing a user-friendly web-based interface that drives donor engagement. The following guide will take you through the steps of registering a new user in DonorCentral NXT.

New users created in FIMS will receive an email with a link directing them to log in to DonorCentral NXT. If your organization has enabled real-time sync (RTS) for FIMS profiles, the emails should go out almost immediately after an account is created. If RTS is not enabled, the email will go out during the next nightly upload. (For more information about DonorCentral setup and options in FIMS, see the FIMS help page here.)

Depending whether a donor has used a Blackbaud product before, they might or might not already have a Blackbaud ID (BBID). For this reason, you should start by setting up custom welcome emails for BBID Users and Non-BBID Users:
1. In DonorCentral NXT, select Control panel, then Site configuration.
2. On the left side of the page, select Automated emails.
3. Select the triple-dot icon (…) next to Welcome, then Edit.
4. Fill out the fields to create a welcome email, or edit the existing one for your organization. When you get to the Body section, toggle the drop-down menu to edit the BBID User and Non-BBID User welcome email messages.

The bulk of your new users are probably Non-BBID Users, meaning that they have not set up a Blackbaud ID account. (If your users have a Google email address, the sign-in screen will give them the option to sign in using their Google account. If they choose this option, be sure to remind them to select Sign in with Google for future logins.)

You can create an automated email for Non-BBID users walking them through the steps of setting up an account. To read more about setting up custom emails, see the announcement New Ways To Customize Your Welcome Emails in DonorCentral NXT in the FIMS community forum.

Here is an example of how you could set up a welcome email for non-BBID users:

{USER_NAME}, your DonorCentral account has been activated! Please visit the following page to set up your account: {SIGNUP_PAGE_URL}

When setting up your account, you will need to use the following email address: {USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS}

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Optionally! If {USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS} is a Google email address, select Sign in with Google to sign in to DonorCentral through your Google account. If you choose this option, be sure to select Sign in with Google for future logins.

For users who have already created a Blackbaud ID account in another Blackbaud product, you can create a BBID User welcome email pointing them to the login page where they can enter the email address and password for their existing Blackbaud ID account.

You can also check in on donors to see which ones have successfully logged in and which ones haven’t. Follow these steps:

1. Under Control panel, select Site administration.
2. Make sure you are in the Users tab and that the Status column is displaying. If you can’t see the Status column, select the Choose columns icon (to the right of the search bar) and enable Status.
3. Use the search bar or filters to narrow down the user list if needed, then check each user’s status, which will fall into one of the following categories:
a. Email differs from BBID: The user has a login email address on file that does not match the email address used for their Blackbaud ID login.
b. Never logged in: The user has never logged in to DonorCentral.
c. Not yet synced: The user has logged in, but not since new User Management tools were enabled. This status will change after the user's next login.
d. No issues: The user's login email address is synced with Blackbaud ID.
4. For donors with the status No issues, you don’t need to take any further action. For all other donors, you will probably want to follow up. To remind these users to set up a BBID account, select the triple-dot icon (…) next to each name and then Send welcome email. You could also reach out to these users on an individual basis using your organization’s contacts.

Please note that the user list in DonorCentral NXT is read-only, meaning that you cannot change a user’s permissions. To make changes to a user’s account, you will need to modify it in FIMS.

For more information about setting DonorCentral NXT options from FIMS, see the help topic DonorCentral Options. For more information on setting up DonorCentral NXT registration emails as an administrator, see the help topic Configure Automated Emails.

We’ve also added a step-by-step registration guide for new users on the DonorCentral NXT Assistance and Resources page. It’s a publicly available site, so feel free to share this with your donors to help guide them through the process.
News ARCHIVED | Mixed Community Announcements 02/13/2020 1:28pm EST

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