“Check Out” GIFTS Online! 4012

“Check Out” GIFTS Online!

What do libraries and GIFTS Online have in common? A couple of things, actually. First off, GIFTS Online is a huge database where users store important records about organizations, requests, contacts, and affiliations. These records are just like the books sorted on the shelves and aisles of your local library. In our new Basics of GIFTS Online eLearning course, you can learn how to locate, create, and manage these record types—all without using the Dewey Decimal System!
Another way GIFTS Online is similar to a library is in the ability to check documents in/out. Learn how to edit documents using this functionality and thereby keeping your online database robust, well-organized, and up-to-date. Best of all, this online eLearning course is automatic and self-paced, which means no waiting in line and no late fees. So be sure to check-out Basics of GIFTS Online today!

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