Seek Your Peak with Peer-to-Peer Fundraising 6212

Seek Your Peak with Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Since moving to the Pacific Northwest, I've become obsessed with hiking. At first I looked for all the low elevation trails with views of streams perhaps some mountains towering over me. As I traversed through those valleys which were kinder to my knees, I kept looking up and wondering: How high is that? What does it look like up there? Can I do it?

Slowly, I worked my way up to various trails that offered 1500-2000 feet of elevation gain. It was tough, but the views were more than worth the effort I put forth. Soon, I was eyeing a summer summit of Mount St. Helens.

To prepare, I kept finding trails that challenged me with elevation. My final training ground was Mailbox Peak which gave me a little over 4000 feet of elevation gain in less than three miles. It was slow going, but eventually I made it up to the top of that peak offering gorgeous views of Mt. Rainier and the North Cascades.

I was so happy I had tears in my eyes. I had made it to 4,822 feet. Mount St. Helens was 8,366.  And while I couldn't see her from my vantage point that day, I looked in her direction yelled "I'm coming for you, you crazy volcano!"

When you look at your fundraising goal for the end of 2019, do you question whether you will get there? Or are you brainstorming on ways to help you surpass your goal? Either way, peer-to-peer fundraising could help your organization reach the top.

When I set out to summit those peaks, I had to do some preparation. I had to make sure I had the appropriate tools: micro-spikes, hiking poles, sunscreen, plenty of water to keep me hydrated, and snacks to replenish my calories. My first summit took a little extra time and planning and I constantly questioned if I had all the things I needed to help me be successful. But each time I went out, I became a little more confident about my approach. I learned from my mistakes and trudged forward to meet my goal.

While you aren't climbing a mountain today, you are working your tail off to ensure that your organization raises enough money to make your mission possible. And with Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising, powered by JustGiving (BBP2P), you have all the tools you need to include peer-to-peer fundraising into your year-end fundraising plan.

To assist you with your climb to your fundraising goal, here are some suggestions to incorporate peer-to-peer fundraising into your final fundraising efforts. I'll let you choose the elevation that's most comfortable for you.

1)  Elevation: 500 feet Take advantage of the Fundraise for Us button located inside your Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising software. You can easily copy the link and paste it on your organization's website, email signature, and on your social media channels. Post the link to your organization's Facebook and Twitter feeds asking your supporters to help you meet your goal by fundraising for you. This 14 minute video will show you how to access and take advantage of this tool.

2)  Elevation: 4,500 feet. Kick off your End-of-Year Fundraising with a #GivingTuesday peer-to-peer campaign. Is this your first time summiting this mountain? That's ok! Start with your board members. Create a campaign in Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and require your board members to create a fundraising page to start fundraising for your organization. Want some guidance? Our peer-to-peer experts have some great information in last month's BBP2P Road to Success session Boost Your #GivingTuesday Campaign.

3)  Elevation 9,000 feet. Create a fun peer-to-peer holiday campaign. Perhaps ask some of your best constituents to participate in an ugly sweater or a tree decoration contest. Get your supporters to vote on the best sweater or tree with their dollars. Don't forget to encourage your supporters to use Membership Rewards® points from American Express toward their donations. Need help in preparing your campaign? We talk about these campaign ideas, how to mine your fundraising prospects, and give you more information about  how your supporters can use their American Express (Amex) reward points to make your #GivingTuesday or EOY fundraising campaign a success in this End-of-Year Fundraising Campaign session.

Why not seek your peak?

Trust me, it is so rewardingly beautiful at the top.
News JustGiving® from Blackbaud® Blog 11/11/2019 9:45am EST

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