The RENXT Integration is coming! 6224

The RENXT Integration is coming!

Maybe you heard about it at bbcon 2019. Or perhaps your Account Executive let you know during the selection process. Well.. It is true.

We are releasing a new feature with Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising, powered by JustGiving available to you at no additional cost. As of this week, customers have started gaining access to the new JustGiving-Raiser’s Edge NXT integration, which synchronizes fundraisers, donors, fundraising pages and gifts from JustGiving within RENXT as constituents, gifts and new tiles for gift recognition credits and peer-to-peer fundraising history! 

Can't wait to get your hands on the integration? Leave a comment below with your organization's name and we can take a look at getting you early access!

In the meantime, here is an overview of how to hook up the integration and an introduction to how it will function. You will know that your account has been enabled with the integration by logging into RENXT and a fly out will alert you to the new capability. Then, you just need to hook up the integration!

First thing's first.. Set up the integration:
To activate the JustGiving-RENXT integration from RENXT, go to Control Panel > Settings and click JustGiving integration on the left tab. Once you set and save your integration default settings in the first panel, the integration will be active.

Second thing's next...Educate yourself:
As the features are more widely distributed, you can expect webinars (see the Events tab in the Community for what is currently scheduled), emails, and all sorts of marketing items announcing the release and informing you of what is next. You can also access the Help files for the integration now, to learn more about the intended function of the integration and where the data will live. 

At a high level, here are some essential takeaways:
  • The integration creates constituent records (or matches on existing records) to help you identify those who influence giving, and creates gift records to help you track the funds your organization receives through peer-to-peer fundraising.
  • New gift records are created in Raiser's Edge NXT for: Gifts donated to JustGiving fundraising pages, including memorial/tribute pages (but Memorial/tribute information does not synchronize to new gift records), Gifts donated directly to the charity in JustGiving. Offline gifts are not supported in the integration. 

  • JustGiving teams, which allows fundraising page owners to join their pages together to contribute to an overall goal, are not currently supported in Raiser's Edge NXT. Therefore, JustGiving team totals, team name, and team URL do not synchronize.
  • All data from individual team member's fundraising pages do synchronize and can be found on their constituent record. 
  • The JustGiving integration does not currently support gifts donated through Guest Checkout but will in a future release. This means if you have a donor enter a gift through the guest checkout process (not available in US at this time), there will be no first name, last name or email associated to the gift at this time. We recommend a manual link up to an anonymous donor in NXT if you want to track these details. 
  • The data only flows one way - from JustGiving to Raiser's Edge NXT. Changes made in Raiser's Edge NXT to the integration settings, constituent records, or donation records never affect the data in JustGiving, meaning the data might not be identical in both systems.
  • When a gift is processed in JustGiving, it is sent to a batch in Raiser's Edge NXT within 5 minutes. Batches containing gifts from JustGiving are created daily and include the description: JustGiving transactions from mm/dd/yyyy - Credit Card Payments. Gift records are not created for these gifts until you approve the batch. For more information, see Gift Batches.
On Gift Records:
  • Because JustGiving emails a receipt for every gift, the receipt status is Receipted (in RENXT) and includes the date the gift was created in JustGiving.
  • Under Recognition credits, you can see that the gift amount is applied as a peer-to-peer credit to the fundraising page owner. The peer-to-peer recognition credit helps you identify page owners who influence giving, and start building relationships with them. For more information, see Recognition Credits. Select the fundraising page link to review the status of the fundraiser and view other gifts that have been donated to it

  • Under Custom fields, you can view the custom fields that synchronize from JustGiving. JustGiving Fundraiser displays the name of fundraising page owner that this gift was donated to. JustGiving Fundraising Page URL displays the name of the fundraising page's url that the gift was donated to. JustGiving Campaign displays the name of the campaign (or event) in JustGiving that this gift was attributed to.

We’d love to hear your feedback as you use the new integration, so feel free to comment below at any time.
News JustGiving® from Blackbaud® Blog 11/12/2019 10:27am EST

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Biola University - We have just set up our first campaign for Jan 27th - We are interested in the RENXT integration
John Coburn - Middlebury College
We recently acquired BB P2P and have set up everything on the Just Giving side but the Integration option is not showing up in Settings in NXT. Please advise what we need to do to make the integration option appear in NXT.
Mallory Bolen‍ It does not look like Special Olympics Ohio has RENXT or Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ 
 and therefore, we cannot grant the integration. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to your Account Manager, Holly Wells. 
Michelle Wallenberg‍ It looks like your organization is on everydayhero, not Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ . In order to get the RENXT integration, you will need to switch to BBP2P. Your Account Manager, David Martin can further assist and demo the integration to you!. 
Mallory Bolen - Special Olympics Ohio
Hi.  I would like to get the JustGiving integration.  I attended bbcon and thought that we already had it since I was at bbcon.  Thanks so much, Michelle Wallenberg, Gift & Data Manager, Olivet College, Olivet, MI
Kristin LaBolt‍ Hanover College has it! Log into NXT to see instructions for set up. 
Kristin LaBolt - Hanover College
Dustin Petok‍  I do not think Louisville High School has contracted with Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ . Please contact your account executive Jennafer Evers to sign up!
Dustin Petok, Louisville High School
Donella Robb‍ We will be launching Blackbaud Peer-to-Peer Fundraising™, powered by JustGiving™ in Canada but it is not there yet. Mary DePalma‍ we have emailed to help you get onboarded to BBP2P- that has to happen first before you can get the integration. Kristin LaBolt‍ Standby- We will follow up with you separately! 
We plan on using Just Giving for Giving Tueday. Help a girl out! Any info is much appreciated. 
Mary DePalma, Winsor School--interested in the NXT integration
Will this be available in Canada?  Or is this announcement just for the US market? 
