Five Features You Should Be Using Right Now 7714

Five Features You Should Be Using Right Now


This post is for all the people who don’t have time but need to get the job done. Keep reading for the must haves this fundraising season.

QR Codes

QR codes (aka quick response codes) are images that, when scanned on a phone or tablet, take a person directly to a specific website’s page. We have seen a surge in these with restaurant menus, neighborhood flyers, and convenient on-site look ups. Did you know you can easily convert your campaign’s URL to a QR code for free by adding /qrcode at the end of your campaign URL? Learn more here.


Fitness Tracking and Mapping

If your supporters are doing any sort of walking, riding, running or swimming to participate in your campaign, drop everything you are doing and tell them to connect their page to Strava. By connecting their page to Strava, their training routes and event day path will automatically be uploaded to their personal page, which helps them raise more money and have a more visually stimulating page.


Customized Report Templates

There are a variety of reports available to you. Whether you are using the Fundraiser Report to see the fitness data or the donor report to review communication consent preferences, don’t forget to rearrange the columns/headers and save the report template to your liking. This is a user-specific setting and will hold fast so that every time you run the report, your preferred column layout is honored.

BONUS: Did you know you can change the date format?

Email Signatures

There’s a good chance several of your colleagues are communicating with supporters and potential fundraisers on a day-to-day basis. Make the most of this communication by including a link in your email signatures.

You can find the general link for your organization (not event specific) by visiting your JustGiving charity homepage and copying the link behind your ‘start fundraising’ button:


Easy DIY Fundraising

Do you send a monthly or quarterly newsletter? Are you promoting easy Do-it-Yourself fundraising options in it? Even better, promote DIY fundraising with your Facebook Followers so they will create a page and you can receive all that donor data! See how you can Promote DIY Fundraising in 3 Easy Steps.

There you have it. Now get to work.

News JustGiving® from Blackbaud® Blog 06/24/2021 8:45am EDT

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