FENXT Sandbox Environment For Creating Add-ins And More now available
For a limited time, all SKY Developers are invited to receive free access to an FENXT environment to try out making SKY Add-ins and basic read-only SKY API applications.
Interested SKY Developers can request an invitation to this FENXT environment by messaging Paul Gibson via the community with the name of your SKY Developer application that has an Add-in defined. This FENXT sandbox joins the RENXT sandbox previously announced that many SKY Developers have been trying out.
A few weeks ago we announced the availability of an RENXT sandbox environment to allow any SKY Developer to experiment with creating SKY Add-ins and SKY API applications in a free, shared environment. See this post as a reminder Experiment Invitation: RENXT Sandbox Environment For Creating Add-ins And More .
We are now adding access to FENXT to this same environment. SKY Developers building solutions for either RENXT or FENXT can now benefit from the ability to engage with the SKY Developer platform in the following ways:
1. Access as a user to a working, production instance of Financial Edge NXT and The Raiser’s Edge NXT.
2. Access to a preview of our App Marketplace where you can browse a catalog of some of the SKY Applications that our partners have created that customers are already using today.
3. Author and deploy live, working SKY Add-Ins into this environment
4. Use the interactive SKY API Console reference tool that lets you invoke real SKY API calls using an interactive web page.
5. Make real, working SKY API calls from your application with the same set of permissions that your user account has (a limited set of read-only rights) in this SKY Developer Cohort environment.
We are now adding access to FENXT to this same environment. SKY Developers building solutions for either RENXT or FENXT can now benefit from the ability to engage with the SKY Developer platform in the following ways:
1. Access as a user to a working, production instance of Financial Edge NXT and The Raiser’s Edge NXT.
2. Access to a preview of our App Marketplace where you can browse a catalog of some of the SKY Applications that our partners have created that customers are already using today.
3. Author and deploy live, working SKY Add-Ins into this environment
4. Use the interactive SKY API Console reference tool that lets you invoke real SKY API calls using an interactive web page.
5. Make real, working SKY API calls from your application with the same set of permissions that your user account has (a limited set of read-only rights) in this SKY Developer Cohort environment.
If you have not previously explored SKY Add-Ins then you may want to check out our new quick start tutorial that is especially designed to get you up and going with your own Add-In running live in this environment from code on your local dev machine. Check out the quick start guide here once you have received and accepted your invitation to this environment
See the previous announcement for more details about this sandbox environment:
News SKY Developer Announcements
04/20/2020 4:51pm EDT
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