Recent Discussions

Max Szczurek
Is it possible to retrieve a gift by lookup_id? Gift List has a bunch of parameters you can filter on, but lookup_id ...
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Matt Evans
Hi, We're developing an integration with Financial Edge NXT, and have access to the Shared Sandbox for ...
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@Matt Evans Hi Matt, I'll follow up with the skyapi team. You need “trusted developer” status to have write ...

Ben Voth
Hello! I'm looking for any API to access the Altru "Program Events". So far, I've looked at the SKY API for Altru and ...
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@Ben Voth
I've had the same issue, and use the Query API to pull program/event info. Not ideal, but it works.

Lindsey Bryant
@Stephen Boyle Similar to the enhancement we saw on Get Academic Courses API , it would be extremely beneficial for ...
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@Lindsey Bryant

We are working to include room and block information in the section info of the Roster endpoints ...

Lauren Henderson
Did you attend the Blackbaud Power BI workshop in Boston? I would like to connect with others who were there in ...
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Elizabeth Johnson
Did you attend the Blackbaud Power Automate workshop in Boston in March? I would like to connect with others who ...
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@Elizabeth Johnson
not sure if it is better to have a separate forum only for those that has attended the boston ...

Yessenia Bernabet Claros
Hey guys, I am trying to set up a custom connector between NXT and Power BI. However, when I open Power BI and attempt ...
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@Yessenia Bernabet Claros
Since you are able to get to this step, that means your Blackbaud.mez is corrected ...

Aaron Spike
We're currently migrating from an on premises instance of FE7 to FE NXT. In the process we were given access to an UAT ...

@Aaron Spike You likely need your system admin to add rights for you for AR. One of those rights should be access to ...

Daniel Oh
I've tried a couple different endpoints but can't seem to be able to get a successful response. ...
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@Daniel Oh
After using the Get Relationship List API endpoint

The result returned will have a property ...

Alaa Ramadan
Hi, I 'm developing a middlewar application that requires to get vendors payment list from Financial Edge, ...
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@Alaa Ramadan
I don't believe a specific API endpoint will do what you want, however, you can use Query API for this.

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