Recent Discussions

Aayush Jain
I am looking for the “Grade” category in the advanced list data objects but cannot locate it even though it is ...
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Eric Eskildsen
Hi all, the OneRoster settings have the option to include Activity Groups, but when included, Activity Leaders ...
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@Eric Eskildsen
If you are also connecting to the data using SKY endpoints, you can get those records that way.

I ...

Bob Rowe
I have a project where I need to build a table from all ‘soft credits' I have access to the raw sql tables… I know they ...
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@Bob Rowe
GIFTSOFTCREDIT is the table you looking for

Marco Nandalal
Hi all, I’m working with the RENXT API, specifically using the "Get Fund Relationships for Constituent" ...
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@Marco Nandalal
did you double check your run?

relation_id is probably what you are looking for

Hallie Guiseppe
Hello Sky Community, I am working on creating education records and I'm hoping someone can offer me a shortcut. ...
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@Hallie Guiseppe
the Majors Item and Minors Item field is intaking an array of string. So instead of using the GUI ...

      Donna Scott
      I am looking for some information on integrating software with Blackbaud. More specifically, Chromeriver by ...
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      Mike L
      After perusing the documentation I realized that there is no endpoint and/or related http method for deleting an ...
      Mike L 9d
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      Wyatt Mosteller
      I made a post yesterday due to having an issue with authorizations and the Payments API that turned into a 403 status ...
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      Daniel At Calm
      I'm working with the RE NXT API and have donations running successfully. I've been asked to populate a field which ...
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      @Daniel At Calm
      Log Details is definitely not something I have seen in RE before, so either you are not in U.S. (most ...

      Wyatt Mosteller
      I am currently struggling with the Merchant Services portion of SKY API due to the fact that I keep getting a 401 ...
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      @Wyatt Mosteller
      I ended up getting a 403. I thought I was still getting a 401 but eventually it switched to a blank ...

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