Hello SKY Developer Community Members! 6884

Hello SKY Developer Community Members!

I wanted to very quickly introduce myself and let you all know about a small documentation change you may be interested in.

I've been a developer for the SKY UX ecosystem for the last 6 years, but I've recently accepted some responsibilities as a Developer Evangelist. My goal is to help make consumers of the entire SKY Developer ecosystem successful in any capacity. Whether that's brainstorming about the art of the possible or contributing code back to remove blockers.

Today, I'm excited to announce an initiative of making the SKY Developer App Showcase page more community driven. We've recently added a few more Blackbaud entries like the NodeJS webhook and PHP webhook examples. More importantly, we've added our first community contribution - a Python wrapper for SKY API OAuth flows.

As the updated page says, we're excited to continue to add more community owned examples to this page. For now, you'll need to send me a message in the community or send an email to skyapi@blackbaud.com. If that technique ever becomes a scale problem, we're happy to explore other options - we honestly would be excited for that to be a problem to solve. :-)

I'm looking forward to being able to add more examples to this page and working together more for our ecosystem.

Bobby Earl
Developer Evangelist
Senior Principal Software Engineer
News SKY Developer Announcements 06/12/2020 3:32pm EDT

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Bobby Earl Bobby Earl Jun '20
Thanks for the heads up Paul Zimmerman‍!  Any objections to including your project on our new page?  Seems like the perfect candidate to me.
Cool. Just a note that that's not the first community contribution. Please check out my project https://github.com/Lugal-PCZ/bbapi_toolkit--which, as an open-source project, started at last year's BBK12UC meeting, and handles both SKY API and ON API authentication and endpoint querying.
Welcome to the team! We are so lucky to have you as an advocate, ambassador, and engineer for the SKY Developer ecosystem. 
