Changes to the Constituent API 7058

Changes to the Constituent API


To make sure you can see all your relationship records, we have updated the Get Relationship List (Single Constituent) API endpoint to no longer have a fixed limit on the number of records returned.

Previously, this endpoint would limit the results to 500 records, so if you had more than that, you did not see those on the list. Now, we have added a new optional parameter named limit. By default, this parameter still limits the results to 500, but you can change that limit to best suit your needs.

In addition, the new parameter offset allows you to determine if you want to skip any results from the list, such as starting the results after a certain count for pagination purposes.

The Constituent API was updated on 08/18/2020. See our Changelog entries for more information.

News SKY Developer Announcements 08/21/2020 11:16am EDT

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