Breaking Change for Constituent API 9444

Breaking Change for Constituent API


As we continue to release improved Action lists, Constituent API no longer supports the use of offset for the Action list endpoint for environments with access to new Action lists. If you previously used offset to retrieve the next set of results, you now use continuation_token available in the List V2 API. If continuation_token in the response from the last call is not empty, provide the continuation_token for the next call. If continuation_token is empty, but there are more sets of results to page through, you can continue to use offset until you have access to new Action lists.

Note: There is no impact for those using next_link.

For more information, see Paging.

News SKY Developer Announcements 03/08/2024 8:46am EST

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Alyssa, is this a breaking change in the Constituent API, or in the List V2 API?

Hey, Ben! This is a breaking change for Constituent API. We've added some info to the post to provide more clarity.

Alex Wong Alex Wong Mar '24

The Paging link doesn't work and end up in restricted area


Hi, I've updated the link in the post. Thanks for letting us know!
