The Power of a Multichannel Approach to Engage Donors 5120

The Power of a Multichannel Approach to Engage Donors


We all know how important individual channels are to reach donors.. think email, website, social media, direct mail, ads, and brand ambassadors. Well, now think about The Avengers (yes, they are relatable!). 

Each super hero has their own unique set of skills and strengths much like these individual channels. Hulk vs Iron Man vs Thor all vary in skills but overall still serve the same beat the bad guy. 

Now, who’s my favorite Avenger you ask? Tony Stark for the win. But think about why a multichannel approach is important like this, Tony Stark (email) can no longer carry all the responsibilities to save the day (raise donation dollars or volunteer involvement). Tony needs his team, his support system to execute his objective, just like we might need more than just email. When The Avengers work together the outcome is greater. We too must think beyond using a multichannel approach to connect, relate, and engage donors.  

Each channel (email, website, social media, direct mail, ads, brand ambassadors) should have a different strategy because, again, they are unique in their ways.  

Having insight into how donors respond to different channels is key. This helpful infographic shares some of the big generational giving trends from The Next Generation of American Giving report, including priority causes for each generation, mobile giving, and more with a multichannel approach! Remember, using a multichannel approach doesn’t have to be sophisticated, just consistent! 

Leave a comment with your best practices using a mulitchannel approach..or your favorite Avengers!

News Organizational Best Practices Blog 10/22/2018 3:41pm EDT

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Interesting! It fits into something we've noticed with our IP targeting experiments. The IP targeted donors don't really give more online ... but they do give more via snail mail. They see the online ad and don't click on it, but it increases their awareness of our overall message, resulting in more mailed donations.
Adding a new Media Manager to the College, that works closely with the Alumni Engagement and Foundation Offices has helped us really start getting our hands around all of the channels! 
Thanks for sharing!
Love the Avengers angle on tis- theres another blog about this as well, good way to draw people in for a read.
Awesome! Diversification for the win!!
