What I Wish I Knew....K-12 ON Implementation 5624

What I Wish I Knew....K-12 ON Implementation

Our school is in the process of implementing K-12 ON, and in this process I've come across several "I wish I knew" scenarios.  I'd like to share one with you here that will hopefully help you "know" before you make the same mistake!   


My Oops:
We are currently going on a roadshow across our campus meeting with small groups of faculty and staff to introduce them to the new system.  This isn't training, but merely a demo to get them ready for the switch and more detailed training that will come later.  One of the features that we demo is the class/group roster and also the directory.  When you view the roster and directory, or contact card of students/parents, you can see their contact information and based on how your settings are configured, you can see their home address and phone numbers.  At the point where we started our demos, we hadn't yet nailed down who should have access to what kind information.  For example, we still had it set up so that teachers can see parents' home addresses.  So, during our demos some of our teachers and staff who were also parents started to panic because the person sitting next to them could look them up and see their personal home address.  And in their panic they decided they should fix it themselves and started editing their contact card and DELETING all their personal information.  Blurgh....

So, in short, my "I wish I knew" or advice to you is to, if at all possible, work out that detail before doing a demo for end users.  Be conscious of the sensitivity that people have around their personal information being accessible.  If I could reverse time, I would go back and get a decision on privacy settings before doing a single demo!
News Tips, Tricks, and Timesavers! 04/29/2019 7:45pm EDT

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