What's New (January 14) 6400

What's New (January 14)

Lots of exciting features in Blackbaud Church Management this week-- check them out!

Small groups
Add participant to small group meeting after attendance was taken -- To provide more accurate small group attendance taking, small group leaders can retroactively add a new individual for the current day's meeting — even after attendance was already taken. For more information, see Take attendance for a meeting.

View church branding on small group pages -- To help congregants feel welcome and secure when using the small group leader or small group search page, your church's name and address now appear on these resources. No admin setup is required.

Restore volunteers to former teams -- If an inactive volunteer rejoins a team, such as when they return from an extended absence, you can now restore them to their former team. From Volunteers, select a team name, Filter. Under Volunteer basics, include team members that have been removed from the team in the list of volunteers. From the volunteer’s menu, select Restore to team. For more information, see Volunteers List.

Filter volunteers by positions -- To help quickly narrow down available volunteers, you can now filter the list of available volunteers by position, such as Sunday School teacher or usher.  From VolunteersVolunteers, select Filter. Under Positions, select the position to filter by, Apply filter. For more information, see Volunteers Filters.

Filter volunteers missing requirements -- To help quickly narrow down available volunteers to add to volunteer opportunities, volunteers who do not meet the volunteer opportunity’s requirements, such as a background check, are now filtered out of the list by default. To assign volunteers to an opportunity, from VolunteersOpportunities or Volunteer opportunities on an event record, select Manage volunteers from the opportunity’s menu. To include all available volunteers, select Include volunteers missing requirements. For more information, see Volunteer Opportunities.

Previously, the Email signup form only recorded opt-in submissions on the constituent record, under Consent. To further ensure you target only those who wish to receive your email communications, now the form automatically includes opt-in and opt-out options congregants can explicitly choose for all email communications. If a congregant doesn't choose an option, No response displays under Consent in their constituent record. Create your targeted list based on the solicit codes mapped to Email channel categories, such as Send all emailDo not send email, and No response.

  Email signup form opt-in option

To embed the signup form, from ToolsEmail signup form, copy the HTML and embed it on your website. For more information, see Email Signup Form.

To help you more quickly access information, and to support upcoming changes in Gifts, we updated gift records to enhance performance. As a result, any custom display settings you saved for gift records — such as moved or collapsed sections — were removed and set back to the default. To reset them, simply arrange the information again. Records remember the changes, so you only need to reset your preferences once. For more information, see Records.

Online registration
Include organization address fields on registration forms -- To better track organizations that register for your events, you can now configure your online registration forms to allow registrants to enter an address on behalf of their organization. To help prevent duplicate organizations, the form uses both the organization's name and address to search for a match on existing constituents. It either updates the existing constituent record or creates a new constituent record for the organization.

From an event record, under Online registration forms, edit an existing form or create a new one. Under Get Started, select Allow organizations to register. Under FormForm Designer from Registration Options, drag Organization Address to the form. For more information, see Registration options.

Delete an online registration form --  You can now delete an online registration form, such as when you need to remove a test form. From the event record, under Online registration forms, select Delete from the form’s menu to remove it from the list. For more information, see Online Registration Forms.

Note: You can't delete a registration form that contains processed transactions for registration payments or additional donations.

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