What's New (November 24) 7312

What's New (November 24)

Happy Thanksgiving week! Here are the latest features in Blackbaud Church Management:

Connect multiple check-in stations to a shared printer -- To provide more flexibility and better support for running child check-in stations on non-Windows devices, you can now configure printing hub stations to connect multiple devices to shared label printers.

To set up a printing hub station, from Events, Classes, Configuration, add a new station and select Printing hub as the type. Choose your label printing and display options, including the number of labels to print for children and chaperones, and the background and text to appear on the login screen. Launch this station using the Blackbaud Check-in app on a Windows device connected to your label printer.

When you configure the child check-in kiosks and staffed stations, select Use a printing hub to print labels to connect them to the printing hub station. The label printing options selected for the printing hub station apply to all check-in stations it’s connected to. If you run connected check-in stations on non-Windows devices, such as iPads or Android tablets, you must launch them in the browser.

For more information, see Configure Check-in Stations.

Improvements to child check-in -- To provide a more efficient and streamlined workflow, when you add a family from a staffed check-in station, you are now directed automatically to the check-in page for the primary chaperone (first adult entered in the Add family form). Previously, after you saved the family, you had to search for the chaperone to check them in.

Also, for consistency, you now use the same form when you add a child to a chaperone from a staffed station or an adult’s constituent record, under Children. The only difference between the forms is the one in staffed stations also includes class registration options.

Congregation summary
Building on recent improvements to membership status metrics, when you create a list of people with a specific membership status, can now view who is inactive or deceased. Previously, inactive and deceased members were included in membership status totals, but they didn’t appear in lists.

To open a membership status list,, from Constituents, Congregation summary, select a status in the graph under Membership statuses. Deceased or Inactive appears next to each deceased or inactive member's name in the list. To change a congregant's membership status, such as from Current to Former, select their name to open their constituent record.

Note: When you export the list, the file now includes columns for Deceased and Inactive.

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