What's New (April 13) 7599

What's New (April 13)


Hi Church Community! We hope everyone enjoyed a blessed and happy Easter.

Here are the latest features in Blackbaud Church Management::

  • Inactivate a small group
  • Require phone numbers on donation forms
  • Apply recently used colors to donation forms

Small groups
To tidy the list of small groups, admins can now inactivate small groups after participants are done meeting together. We recommend inactivating small groups to:

  • End email reminders for group leaders to take attendance

  • Remove their meetings from calendars

  • Remove them from the small group search page on your church’s website

  • Preserve historical information, such as for reporting or reactivating them later

Note: Inactivating groups also preserves contact information for participants so admins can email or text them, such as if a group starts meeting again.

To inactivate a group, from Constituents, Small groups, select Inactivate from the group’s menu Once the group is inactive, you can select Filters, Inactive to view it in the list of small groups.

Note: If a group decides to start meeting again, select Reactivate group from the group’s menu in the list or on its record. The group will appear in the small group search page again and the attendance reminders will restart. However, you must manually add new meetings.

Donation forms
Require phone numbers on donation forms -- To ensure congregant information is current, you can require donors to enter their phone numbers on a donation form. From Tools, Donation form designer, add a new form or edit an existing one. Under Form, select Constituent and gift fields in Form designer and move Phone to the form. Select Make this field required.

Apply recently used colors to donation forms -- Now, you can easily apply colors to a donation form that match your organization’s branding. From Tools, Donation form designer, add a new form or edit an existing one. Under Form, select Style under Form designer and change the color for any part of the form. The color you select will appear as an option with the default colors the next time you open the selector.

Donation forms color picker

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