Globally Changing Transactions In Student Billing

When it comes to data entry, there’s bound to be a few mistakes or typos here or there. Sometimes these are not such a big deal, but sometimes they can lead to bigger problems. Take your billing, for instance. You just added transactions for all of your students. After this was done, you noticed the charges were added with last year’s date instead of this year's. This one probably fits into the “leading to bigger problems” category. However, it does not have to turn into a catastrophe. If you catch this before you post, then you have options. You can change dates on billing items or transactions in a handful of ways.

First, you could manually change them. This is a quick, easy option if you have only a handful of transactions or billing schedules that need to be updated. Just open the transaction or the billing schedule and edit away.

You can also globally delete the transactions or the billing schedules. Keep in mind this only works for Not Yet Posted transactions, so this option is off the board once the transactions have been posted. Once the transactions or billing schedules have been deleted, you can correct the dates on the billing item in the import file you’re using, or from wherever else you may have selected dates, and then add them again.

A third option would be to use a global change. You can change the post date, transaction date, due date and more for charges, credits and refunds. You can change the transaction date, scheduled date and more for advance deposits, financial aid and billing schedules.

To give you an example of how this would be useful, say you notice that one of the scheduled dates in a billing schedule is 08/03/2015 when it should be 08/01/2015. If the charge hasn’t yet been generated, you can use a Billing Schedule global change to adjust this. On the General tab of the global change, expand Billing Schedule, Schedule, Schedule Detail and select Schedule date. The operation will be Replace, and you’ll be replacing 08/03/2015 with 08/01/2015. Filter as needed, then make the changes (after previewing first of course).

If the charge has been generated, then you can use a Charge global change to adjust the dates on the charge itself. If you would prefer that the dates in the billing schedule and on the charge match, then you can globally delete the charges, use a global change to adjust the billing schedule dates, and then generate the charges again. The steps and tools you use are up to you and your individual processes. Just remember that you have options!

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News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 07/24/2015 6:30am EDT

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