Recent Discussions
SchoolPass is part of Raptor Technologies. They have a direct integration using our SKY APIs.
@Mike Gustin - How about an advanced list with the filter Enrollment Grade.Grade “is null”?
I use an advanced list ...
If you're using the new builder, you will need to add an area to the top of the report card that ...
@Matt Murphy Hi Matt! Have you reached out to Blackbaud support with this issue? Chat - Blackbaud
@Diana Day
Hello everyone! This is Marcel, reaching out as a Senior member of our Education Management Support ...
@Jennifer Miller Have you tried to go to Reporting - Academics - Course/Section Reports - Departments and ...
Hi Richard. Do you mean what roles in addition to the Athletic Group Manager role? I cloned that role ...
@Stephanie Benelli We developed a media release form for our school (using school forms on BBD - the ...