Traversing the Map with the Blackbaud K–12 Advisory Board 9963

Traversing the Map with the Blackbaud K–12 Advisory Board


Blackbaud's new K–12 Advisory Board Executive Director shares his experience and insights from our recent gathering.

I love maps.

They tell a story and put things in perspective. Here is the story I’d like to share with you today.

Early in December, 19 colleagues from private and independent schools traveled from far and wide to Charleston, South Carolina, to meet as Blackbaud’s K–12 Advisory Board. This annual in-person retreat brings together a diverse representation of schools that spans the stratosphere of size, demographics, teaching philosophy, and, yes, location. But this collective knows that the next 3 days will not be like any other gathering the year might bring.

Checking into the hotel—situated across the street from Blackbaud HQ where we will all eventually assemble—I see the face of another board member whom I had only previously met online. “It’s great to see you!” we say. “How was your trip?”

My mind instantly returned to the map: New England, South Florida, SoCal, and Texas. Detroit, Nashville, Hawaii, and Toronto. All of us were traversing the map to assemble in this historic southern town.
Our agenda was filled with progress reports, presentations from Blackbaud leadership, behind-the-scenes technical insights, and exclusive content that could not be found elsewhere. We knew there would be a change of Advisory Board leadership this year, while newly minted members would bring their fresh insights to the collaboration.

The energy was palpable that first day as we all took the short, cold walk to headquarters, and it only grew throughout the week. Long days spent at the conference table were, at times, filled with confidential conversations. We were in the same room with the Blackbaud product managers (PMs) responsible for the software that all our schools interacted with and used daily. Where else does that type of access exist?

The PMs crisscrossed that same map to be here. From all over the host state of South Carolina to Asheville NC, Heartland MI, Rockford IL, and even distant Portland OR. We picked their brains on what’s to come while they took every opportunity to hear the vital voice only end-users can provide.

We celebrated success stories, explored obstacles, and exchanged ideas. It would take a novel to cover everything we discussed so, for the sake of time and space, I will share some highlights:
  • The complimentary roles of purpose-specific Partners like UBIQ, August Schools, and BrightArrow, and how their integrations continue to mature
  • A newfound focus on “at-risk” student reporting and the potential positive impact of identifying students early who may need additional focus or support to be successful
  • How a school (Berwick Academy in Maine, another spot on the map!) embraced Blackbaud Billing Management™ to streamline their tuition payment process
  • A new tool called “Payment Assistant” within Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT® that Berwick is already using to rapidly automate vendor payments in the business office
  • Refreshed integrations between Blackbaud’s enrollment, financial aid, and tuition & billing software for more transparent enrollment contracts and deeper connections between admissions and accounting
  • A next-gen reporting presentation that was so well received it led to the formation of its own sub-committee
  • A Shark Tank session (just like the TV show) that was bursting with customer driven ideas. The winner each year sees their idea come to fruition!
We reserved evenings for bonding and in-depth conversations, often extending late into the night. Although we only meet in person once or twice a year, the bonds with this group always feel like family. Discussions spanned the spectrum including future projects, common challenges, local team rivalries, and the unique ways we all decompress from the intense work that we do.

Our work is our passion, and the intertwining of our efforts was so productive it felt tangible. There is so much to share from that week’s work. So much that I look forward to writing more about product announcements and Blackbaud developments in future articles throughout the year. Be sure to stay tuned, both online and at #bbcon in October!!
At times I have to pinch myself, surrounded by such amazing, brilliant, and sharing individuals. This retreat personifies that sentiment. My map pin lands just north of Baltimore, but at the end of this week my team spanned the globe. The advisory retreat is not just a meeting; it is a testament to our collective dedication and the impactful work we do together.

Austin Ewachiw
Director of Technology
Calvert Hall College High School
Executive Director, Blackbaud K–12 Advisory Board
News Blackbaud K-12 Solutions™ Blog 02/14/2025 12:08pm EST

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