Upcoming eTapestry Ecommerce Enhancement 5723

Upcoming eTapestry Ecommerce Enhancement

In our upcoming release, eTapestry will implement Blackbaud Payment Services “Checkout” feature for customers who use the eTapestry Shopping Cart.  Blackbuad Checkout provides an even greater level of security around the payment processing for your donors.  Once the donor fills out all the options on the shopping page, they will then be prompted to complete their order, which takes them to a secure area to enter their payment details. A confirmation message appears letting them know if their donation was successful.  Here are screenshots of what your donors will see after they click to complete their order.

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You may be asking yourself right now, why the change?  Well, we are implementing the Blackbaud Checkout for a couple of reasons.  First, anytime we can increase the security to our customers and donors, we will do that.  Second, new international regulations require Strong Customer Authentication, which can be done via Blackbaud Checkout.  So, this is a win-win for your donors and our customers to know that eTapestry continues to provide a secure experience for making online purchases.  There is no need to make any changes or updates to your shopping cart.  If you use a Blackbaud Payment Services processor, your shopping cart will be up-to-date.
Oh, and one more thing.  Coming in August, Blackbaud Checkout will be available for eTapestry customers for both DIY and Customer eCommerce Pages.  This means the same added security described above will be available for all of your customers’ eCommerce experiences.  Look for more information regarding this update in future release notes.
Thanks again for being a Blackbaud eTapestry customer!  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.
News Blackbaud eTapestry® Blog 05/28/2019 11:10am EDT

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Sonia Ryan Sonia Ryan Mar '20
Hi!  Above you said Blackbaud Checkout will be available for eTap customers in August 2019.  I would like information about that.  Thank you!
Milly Caez Milly Caez May '19
Thank you for the Announcement Mike!
Looking forward in August, we use DIY pages.
