Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Coming With BBNC 7.2 SP7 Release
As a security best practice, Blackbaud Blackbaud Net CommunityTM will be compiled against Microsoft’s .NET Framework 4.8 starting with release 7.2 SP7 (scheduled to release starting in March of 2022).
Background information:
On April 26, 2022, Microsoft will end support for .NET Framework 4.5.2/4.6/4.6.1, including no longer providing security fixes.
As a security best practice, Blackbaud Blackbaud Net CommunityTM will be compiled against Microsoft’s .NET Framework 4.8 starting with release 7.2 SP7 (scheduled to release starting in March of 2022). This may affect your customizations as assemblies referencing BBNC must now be compiled against .NET Framework 4.8. Our research shows that existing assemblies generally continue to function, but our recommendation is to recompile customizations against .NET Framework 4.8 to ensure compatibility.
What actions do I need to take?
If you are hosted by Blackbaud:
Before upgrading to release 7.2 SP7, we recommend that you compile (or recompile) all customizations against .NET Framework 4.8. This ensures that customizations and third-party integrations will continue to function.
If you are not hosted:
Before upgrading to release 7.2 SP7, install .NET Framework 4.8, if you have not done so already. Next, we recommend that you compile (or recompile) all customizations against .NET Framework 4.8. These two steps ensure that customizations and third- party integrations will continue to function.
If you have additional questions or concerns regarding this change, reach out to Blackbaud support.
On April 26, 2022, Microsoft will end support for .NET Framework 4.5.2/4.6/4.6.1, including no longer providing security fixes.
As a security best practice, Blackbaud Blackbaud Net CommunityTM will be compiled against Microsoft’s .NET Framework 4.8 starting with release 7.2 SP7 (scheduled to release starting in March of 2022). This may affect your customizations as assemblies referencing BBNC must now be compiled against .NET Framework 4.8. Our research shows that existing assemblies generally continue to function, but our recommendation is to recompile customizations against .NET Framework 4.8 to ensure compatibility.
What actions do I need to take?
If you are hosted by Blackbaud:
Before upgrading to release 7.2 SP7, we recommend that you compile (or recompile) all customizations against .NET Framework 4.8. This ensures that customizations and third-party integrations will continue to function.
If you are not hosted:
Before upgrading to release 7.2 SP7, install .NET Framework 4.8, if you have not done so already. Next, we recommend that you compile (or recompile) all customizations against .NET Framework 4.8. These two steps ensure that customizations and third- party integrations will continue to function.
If you have additional questions or concerns regarding this change, reach out to Blackbaud support.
News Blackbaud NetCommunity™ Blog
02/09/2022 8:45am EST
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@Mike Rusche, what is meant by all customizations? Could you please provide some examples?
Good question…..we are talking more about “custom framework parts”, which is a better description on what we are referring too.