Recent Topics

Lara Couture
Hello, We are using Double the Donation integrated with our BBNC donation forms. I've been asked for a way to get ...
Lara Couture Jun '24
Open for Discussion
Morag Paterson
Has anyone implemented or developed the appropriate scripts and inventory required for the upcoming PCI DSS SAQ A ...
Morag Paterson Jun '24
Open for Discussion

@Morag Paterson

David here from Blackbaud, we will be meeting the new PCI DSS SAQ A-EP requirements with our ...

Mike Simmons
Please join the Blackbaud Online Giving product team for an exciting update on Blackbaud Donation Forms. We'll ...
Mike Simmons Apr '24
Open for Discussion
Brian Abram
I can't seem to find anyone else with this issue so I'm posting to the community form here: I do not get email popup ...
Brian Abram Mar '24
Open for Discussion

@Brian Abram Hi Brian, I'm just circling back around on your post. Have you received any feedback from other ...

Terry Abbott
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had a similar problem, and if so, what they've done about it if anything? For many ...
Terry Abbott Feb '24
Open for Discussion

@Terry Abbott
I have no “solution” to this but I agree!

Peter Tenney
We have seen two gifts come though our donation form, each one from the same IP address in China. These gifts do not ...
Peter Tenney Feb '24
Open for Discussion

@Peter Tenney Hi - I recommend opening a case with Blackbaud NetCommunity support to investigate this further. ...

Venky Immadisetty
Let's say I have an Constituent ID 1 that has 93 emails on his record under NetCommunity section with below ...

@Venky Immadisetty

Good Afternoon,

David from Blackbaud here. Sadly this export open is not available in RE, ...

Lauren Earle
We've recently discovered that BBNC does not have an accurate way to report on email stats, and that accessing the ...
Lauren Earle Jan '24
Open for Discussion
Crystal Bruce
This month, we want to hear from you about your favorite product tip/trick that you use to make your work life easier ...
Crystal Bruce Jan '24
Open for Discussion

@Crystal Bruce Sort of basic - setting the field to search for matching records. We have our default set to First ...

Crystal Bruce
Just a friendly reminder that the deadline to nominate yourself or a fellow community member to the 2024 Community ...
Crystal Bruce Nov '23
Open for Discussion

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