Parent Portal URL Updates 8078

Parent Portal URL Updates


With the Smart Tuition rebrand to Blackbaud Tuition Management, we have another new update to this project that we'd like to share.

We have been working through rebranding the Smart Tuition product to Blackbaud Tuition Management over the last several months and we have an exciting new update to this project. We are changing the Parent site and Charter Parent site URLs to align with the new rebranding. We have updated these site URLs as follows: We have had an in-product notification about this update on the Parent site to alert parents to this upcoming URL change and have Parent and Charter Parent FAQs which can be provided to parents to answer any common questions or concerns they may have about this update. There will be no SSO disruption if your school has an SSO through their Resource Board. Please note: Parents will either need to remember their password to login or they will need to reset it.
News Blackbaud Tuition Managementâ„¢ Blog 11/18/2021 12:56pm EST

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