Recent Discussions

Gabrielle Schneider
Our school records all student fees and payments on their Tuition Management Accounts. I would love to hear from ...
Judy Baccile
My school has over 900 students and 85% are on the 10 pay plan and pay via auto debit through their credit card, ...

@Judy Baccile We have a similar size school with about 90% of our families on autopay either through a ...

Eileen Grabowski
It has been our practice to not complete the Enroll/Inactivate candidates process for the upcoming school year ...
Miri Schick
I really think the type of payment options for in school payment should be expanded to include credit card (run in ...

@Miri Schick
Dear Miri,

I agree, this would be a great addition.

Jessi Walters
The Blackbaud ID migration is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Although this update was originally ...
Jessi Walters
Dear community, I wanted to let you know that the Blackbaud ID (BBID) migration is delayed for education ...
Geoffrey Goodfellow
Does anyone have a Point of Sale (POS) system that integrates fully with Blackbaud? We would be using this for ...

@Geoffrey Goodfellow I would recommending contacting Customer Support to learn more about the Buy Now Give Now ...

    Susan Trippe
    I accidentally exported my April billing to FENXT today…oops! Do I just need to reverse that journal entry in FE, ...
    Brent Wilhelm
    Good Afternoon. We are new to BB this school year and are getting ready to push out Tuition Management integrated ...

    I am also interested in how this can be done. We're getting ready to launch and would like to find a way to automate if ...

    Jessi Walters
    Dear Community, When possible, we try to provide the advance notice you need before changes impacting end users ...